European College of Veterinary Microbiology

The primary objectives of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology (ECVM) are:

  • To champion the advancement of veterinary microbiology across all European nations. This involves fostering in-depth research, pushing boundaries of knowledge, and ensuring the continual improvement of veterinary medical services for the benefit of the public.
  • To formulate and implement precise guidelines for post-graduate education, providing a structured pathway for veterinarians aspiring to specialize in veterinary microbiology.
  • To conduct rigorous examinations and subsequently certify veterinarians as  EBVS® European Veterinary Specialists in veterinary microbiology. This recognition not only assures the competency of the professionals but also ensures the provision of expert care to animals affected by microbiological diseases.
  • To facilitate an environment where continuous learning is encouraged. This includes promoting advances in veterinary microbiology, organizing continuing educational courses, and emphasizing the significance of research. Equally crucial is the dissemination of this expansive knowledge among veterinary peers and the wider community.

Board Member

Prof. Bryan Markey
Prof. John (Ioannis) Ikonomopoulos (Oikonomopoulos)
Vice president
Prof. Nicola Decaro
Dr. Dorina Timofte