European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists

The primary objectives of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ECVO) are:

  • To advance veterinary ophthalmology in Europe through focused research and by elevating the competency of veterinarians in this specialty, emphasizing comprehensive understanding and management of animal eye diseases.
  • To set clear guidelines for specialization in veterinary ophthalmology, establishing a benchmark for excellence.
  • To execute a rigorous examination process, certifying veterinarians as  EBVS® European Veterinary Specialists in Ophthalmology, ensuring the highest standard of care for animals with eye conditions.
  • To champion continuous learning in veterinary ophthalmology by organizing relevant educational courses, keeping veterinarians abreast with the field's latest advancements.
  • To prioritize knowledge-sharing in veterinary ophthalmology, fostering research and promoting insights beneficial to the veterinary community and the public.

Board Member

Dr. Charlotte Keller
Dr. Heidi Featherstone
Vice president
Dr. Christine Watté
Mr Jim Carter
Dr. Carolin Chiwitt-Georgas