European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals

The primary objectives of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals (ECVIM-CA) are:

  • To champion advancements in companion animal internal medicine, cardiology, and oncology. This ensures continuous growth in research, innovation, and best practices in these specialized fields.
  • To define clear and comprehensive guidelines for post-graduate education, ensuring that veterinarians are thoroughly prepared to specialize in areas of companion animal internal medicine, cardiology, or oncology.
  • To diligently conduct examinations, subsequently certifying veterinarians as  EBVS® European Veterinary Specialists in Companion Animal Internal Medicine, Cardiology, and Oncology. This process ensures that only the most skilled and knowledgeable professionals attain this recognition.
  • To cultivate a thriving community where knowledge sharing is paramount. This includes promoting research, facilitating specialized training programs, organizing continuing educational courses, and championing the dissemination of knowledge in companion animal internal medicine, cardiology, and oncology among veterinary professionals and the broader public.

Board Member

Dr. Laura Blackwood
Dr. Remo Lobetti
Prof. Daniel Batchelor