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- Veterinary medicine is regulated by the Romanian College of Veterinarians (Colegiul medicilor veterinari, abbreviated “CMV”) based in Bucharest. 
- The Romanian College of Veterinarians (CMV) exists as an autonomous non-governmental and apolitical, non-profit organisation. 
- It has 42 regional Colleges that correspond to each county. 
- The CMV is the responsible for the professional recognition of diplomas, attestations or other documents granting qualification in the veterinary profession.

Veterinary Specialist Recognition

- Article 62(2) in the Statutes of the College of Romanian Veterinarians (published on 16th September 2014) specifies that there is automatic recognition of Diplomas from EBVS® Colleges after request of this by the individual concerned. 
- Only European Veterinary Specialists can use the title Specialist. 
- No other qualifications are to date recognised as veterinary specialist qualifications, although Masters and PhD degrees are recognised scientifically but not as a professional specialist title. 
- National specialist titles have been abolished, meaning that this legacy national system is now being superseded by the European Veterinary Specialist® system.

Advanced Veterinary Practitioners

There is no “middle tier” qualification based on professional certificates in Romania. 

Continuing education of veterinary general practitioners

Compulsory continuing education requirements are in place for all veterinary surgeons, as mandated by the CMV.

Veterinary education

- There are five veterinary faculties in Romania: - Bucharest State Veterinary Faculty founded in 1861, 
- Cluj-Napoca founded in 1869 (conditional EAEVE approval), Iasi founded in 1910, 
- Timisoara founded in 1944 (EAEVE-approved) - Bucharest “Spiru Haret”, a private veterinary university, founded in 1990 
- All of these universities are EU accredited - The veterinary degree in Romania is benchmarked to the European standard 
- The use of the title “Doctor medic veterinar” or “DMV ” is implicitly permitted for graduates of one of these 5 accredited veterinary faculties.

Membership Organisations

- The main membership organisation for veterinarians in Romania is the Asociatia Medicilor Veterinari de Animale de Companie (AMVAC, the Association of Small Animal Veterinarians or AMVAC) 
- AMVAC has no regulatory function. 
- There are also a number of specialty-based associations in veterinary dermatology, veterinary dentistry, equine medicine, veterinary diagnostic imaging and veterinary ophthalmology. 
- Membership of these associations does not entitle an individual to use the title of specialist or any abbreviations or titles after their name.

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