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United States
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
Allison Zwingenberger is a dual-boarded specialist (ACVR, ECVDI) in veterinary radiology. She earned her DVM at the University of Guelph before completing her residency at the University of Pennsylvania and an MAS in Clinical Research at UC Davis where she is Professor, and Co-Director for the In Vivo Translational Imaging Shared Resource. Her research interests include vascular imaging with emphasis on portosystemic shunts and oncologic molecular imaging, with 90 publications to date ( She has served as associate editor for Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound and on the Editorial Review board of Veterinary Surgery. Dr. Zwingenberger has held positions in both the ACVR and ECVDI to promote and develop the specialty and its members. In the ACVR, she has served as President, and on the Examination, Website, and Scientific Conference Committees as well as being president of the CT/MRI Society. Her ECVDI Committees included the Webmaster, Job Task Analysis, Resident Education Task Force, and service as ECVDI President. Early in her career, Dr. Zwingenberger developed a passion for creating systems for curating data, creating knowledge, and sharing it with like-minded people worldwide. On, she provides case-based learning resources for students and veterinarians, as well as teaching resources for educators. She and her co-author, Erik Wisner, published the Atlas of Small Animal CT and MRI in 2015.
Member of :

European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging