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EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Avian Medicine and Surgery
Dan graduated from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2010. He completed an exotic animal medicine and zoological medicine internship at Great Western Referrals (Swindon, UK), followed by 2 years of small animal and exotic practice in the UK. Dan started his ECZM Avian residency in April 2013. In May 2016 Dan gained his RCVS CertAVP(ZooMed) and completed his Residency in Avian Medicine in September 2016. He worked at Great Western Exotics for the following two years. In 2018 Dan joined the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, where he enjoyed the combination of conservation work with living collection management. From 2020 until recently, Dan was head of the exotic Service at Southfields Veterinary Specialists, a multidisciplinary referral hospital. Since summer 2023, Dan is head of the avian hospital at Mandai Bird Paradise. He enjoys all aspects of exotic, zoo and wildlife medicine, but has a keen interest in orthopaedics and soft tissue surgery in avian and other zoological species.
Member of :

European College of Zoological Medicine