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Prof. Sylvie CHASTANT
EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Reproduction
Sylvie CHASTANT is a french vet (Alfort 1990), european specialist in animal reproduction (Dipl ECAR), currently president of the European College of Animal Reproduction, full member of the French Veterinary Academy, teacher-clinician-researcher in French National Veterinary Schools. She currently works at Alfort National Veterinary School in France. Her passions are knowledge sharing, clinical activities and applied research. She wad offered the opportunity to work in many animal species , mainly bovine and carnivores and she is convinced about the importance of comparative physiopathology in reproduction. After having explored canine oocytes and embryos, she developped interest and research on canine and feline neonatalogy and pediatrics, with specific emphasis on colostrum, milk, birth weight, neonatal growth and nutrition, mortality causes and maternal programming in puppies and kittens. For bovine reproduction, her interest were oocytes/embryos and now endometritis and the influence of epigenetics on reproductive performances.
Member of :

European College of Animal Reproduction