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Dr. Chiara Noli
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology
Email: - Tel. +39-3355683137 Dr. Chiara Noli graduated in veterinary medicine in Milan in 1990. After a residency in Utrecht, she obtained the European Diploma in Veterinary Dermatology in 1996. She works as referral dermatologist in Italy. She has been President of the ESVD, and is currently Past-President of the ECVD. Dr. Noli has given several hundred lectures, is author of more than 100 articles in Italian and international journals, nine book chapters, three textbooks, and is co-editor of the books “Veterinary Allergy” (Wiley 2014) and “Feline Dermatology” (Springer 2020).
Member of :

European College of Veterinary Dermatology