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Veterinary medicine in Finland is regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and falls under Eläinlääkintähuoltolaki, the Law for Veterinary Services, which dates from the 1940s, as amended. 
- The veterinary chapter is EVIRA, the Food Safety Authority, based in Helsinki.

Veterinary Specialist Recognition

Veterinary specialists are regulated by EVIRA. European Veterinary Specialists, Diplomates of the AVMA American Board of Veterinary Specialties and National specialists can apply to be listed in the veterinary specialist register. 
- National specialisation started in the 1980s and is at EQF level 7+.

Advanced Veterinary Practitioners

- Middle tier training exists in Finland and there is a list of Advanced Veterinary Practitioners. 
- Advanced Veterinary Practitioners are not allowed to use the title of specialist.

Continuing education of veterinary general practitioners

- Continuing education for veterinarians is not compulsory.

Veterinary education

- Finland has one Faculty of Veterinary Medicine that provides veterinary education. 
- The Veterinary College in Helsinki was founded in 1945 and became one of the nine faculties of the University of Helsinki in 1995. 
- Veterinarians in Finland can use the title Doctor

Membership Organisations

- Suomen Eläinlääkäriliitto (Finnish Veterinary Association) is the membership organisation for veterinarians in Finland. 
- There are also several specialised organisations for Finnish veterinarians such as the Association for Production Animal Medicine that was founded in the 1980s.

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