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- Veterinary medicine in Hungary is regulated by the Hungarian Veterinary Chamber. 
- The supervising authority is the Ministry of Agriculture, in Budapest.

Veterinary Specialist Recognition

The title of European Veterinary Specialist® can be used, there is no official specialist register for veterinarians in Hungary. 
- National specialisation has existed for several decades. - National specialists follow a 2-year course in a specific discipline and are examined, overseen by an Accreditation Committee. 
- Only the university is authorised to run specialist courses and to issue national specialist diplomas. 
- The university maintains a list of national specialists ("Fachtierarzt")

Advanced Veterinary Practitioners

- There are no Advanced Veterinary Practitioners in Hungary.

Continuing education of veterinary general practitioners

Continuing education has been compulsory for veterinarians in Hungary for approximately 20 years. 
- Records of continuing education are kept by the Hungarian Veterinary Chamber. 
- Continuing education does not lead to a specific qualification but is required to maintain a license to practice as a veterinarian in Hungary.

Veterinary education

- Hungary has one veterinary education establishment, the Faculty of Veterinary Science, at the Szent István University in Budapest, which was founded in 1787.

Membership Organisations

- The Hungarian Veterinary Association is the national membership organisation for veterinarians.

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