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- Veterinary medicine in the Netherlands is regulated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. 
- The veterinary chapter in the Netherlands is the Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde (KNMvD, Royal Dutch Veterinary Association).

Veterinary Specialist Recognition

- The Netherlands has had a Council of Specialisation (later: Registration Committee) for veterinarians since 1982. 
- The council includes members of the KNMvD, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University and has governmental observers. 
- The title of veterinary specialist does not have a protected legal status in the Netherlands but is accepted by the KnMvD and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University. 
- There is a register of veterinary specialists. 
- Diplomates of the Colleges of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation® (European Veterinary Specialists®), the AVMA American Board of Veterinary Specialties and National specialists can apply to be included in the veterinary specialist register of the Netherlands. 
- Originally, Dutch veterinary specialisation included six subject areas: general pathology, general radiology, and small animal ophthalmology, dermatology, surgery and internal medicine. 
- Specialisation requires a 4-year training programme (including an internship). 
- In 2000, for the six disciplines concerned, Dutch veterinary specialisation was replaced by EBVS® system of European veterinary specialisation®. 
- National specialists, who do not meet the EBVS requirements, are still considered Dutch veterinary specialists (‘National specialist’ based on a decision by the Registration Committee) and have to undergo re-evaluation based on requirements similar to those of EBVS.

Advanced Veterinary Practitioners

- Currently there is no Advanced Veterinary Practitioner status in the Netherlands.

Continuing education of veterinary general practitioners

- Continuing education is voluntary and does not lead to any post graduate qualifications. 
- Continuing education was added to the to the Centraal Kwaliteitsregister Dierenartsen (Central Quality Register for Veterinarians) by the Kwaliteitsorgaan Dierenartsen (Quality Body for Veterinarians) in 2012.

Veterinary education

- There is one veterinary school in the Netherlands - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University . 
- Dutch veterinarians are not entitled to use the title of Doctor, which is reserved for individuals with a Ph. D. degree, but can use the title Doctoranders abbreviated to drs

Membership Organisations

- The membership association, which also has a regulatory function, is the KNMvD, based in Houten, near Utrecht. 
- The KNMvD has had a veterinary specialist section - the Groep Veterinaire Specialisten - since 1986.

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