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- Veterinary medicine falls under the Department of Agriculture and is regulated under Lov om veterinærer og annet dyrehelsepersonell [dyrehelsepersonelloven] (The law on veterinary surgeons and other animal health personel, which dates from 2001). 
- The veterinary competent authority is the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (‘Mattilsynet’).

Veterinary Specialist Recognition

- European Veterinary Specialists® cannot use the title of specialist in Norway as this is restricted to National Specialists who have been examined by the Norwegian Veterinary Association and can be listed in the specialist register.

Advanced Veterinary Practitioners

- There is no formal middle tier qualification

Continuing education of veterinary general practitioners

- Continuing education is not compulsory.

Veterinary education

- There is one veterinary education establishment in Norway, which was renamed from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science to the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in 2015. 
- The veterinary school is in East Oslo. 
- Veterinary surgeons do not use the tittle Doctor, unless they hold a doctorate degree. 
- The preferred title is Vet, although titles are rarely used.

Membership Organisations

- The Norwegian Veterinary Association, based in Oslo, is the membership organisation for veterinarians in Norway. 
- It has no regulatory function but advises the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (‘Mattilsynet’) on matters such as the use of the title of specialist. 
- Spesialistkandidatenes interesseorganisasjon ved veterinarmiljoene (SIOV) - the Organistion for the Interests of Veterinary Specialist Candidates - was setup to improve residency training programmes in Norway. 
- All European Veterinary Specialists® and EBVS® College residents automatically become members of this association, unless they opt out.

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