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- Veterinary medicine is regulated by the Ministerio de Agricultura Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. 
- The veterinary profession in Spain is governed by the Consejo Generalde Colegios de Veterinarios de España (CGCVE).

Veterinary Specialist Recognition

- There is not currently a register of veterinary specialists.

Advanced Veterinary Practitioners

- There is not currently Advanced Veterinary Practitioner training.
- A process of definition of a “Middle Tier” accreditation in Equine Practice and Small Animal General Practitioner is ongoing.
- European Veterinary Specialists® are involved in the subcommittees in designing accreditation programmes in Equine and Small Animal General Practice.

Veterinary education

- Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Universidad de Córdoba 
- Universidad de León - Universidad de Zaragoza 
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 
- Universidad de Extremadura in Cáceres 
- Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela in Lugo 
- Universidad de Murcia - Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio 
- Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU - Universidad Católica de Valencia-San Vicente Mártir 
- Veterinarians in Spain cannot use the title of Doctor.

Membership Organisations

- In 2014, the Asociación de Veterinarios Especialistas Diplomados de España (AVEDE; was created to serve as a liaison between CGCVE, the profession and the EBVS.

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