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- Veterinary medicine falls under The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), which is part of the Federal Department of Home Affairs.

Veterinary Specialist Recognition

There is a federal register for all medical professionals with post graduate qualifications. 
- It lists individuals with Swiss or Switzerland-recognised diplomas and continuing professional development titles in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and dentistry. 
- No international (e.g. European Veterinary Specialists®, AVMA American Board of Veterinary Specialties diplomats, Fellows of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists) or national specialist qualifications in veterinary medicine are recognised officially in Switzerland. 
- Professional membership organisations like the Swiss Veterinary Society (GST/SVS) can however register the titles that they award. There are nine national specialist titles (FVH) at EQF level 7+, based in part on continuing education.

Advanced Veterinary Practitioners

- There is no Advanced Veterinary Practitioner Training. 
- Some veterinarians in Switzerland have completed postgraduate studies leading to a Dr. med. vet. title. - Dr. med. vet. is not equivalent to a PhD.

Continuing education of veterinary general practitioners

Continuing education has been mandatory, under the Federal Law on the Medical Profession, for all practicing veterinarians since 2002. 
- This is recorded by the Swiss Veterinary Society (GST/SVS) using continuing education points. - The awarded continuing education points are prerequisite to gaining the national specialist qualifications (FVH).

Veterinary education

- There is one Veterinary Faculty in Switzerland, called the Vetsuisse-Faculty. I - t has two locations: Vetsuisse-Faculty University Zurich and Vetsuisse-Faculty University Berne. 
- Veterinarians graduate and are federally licensed (med. vet.) and can get the permission to work as a veterinarian in private practice.

Membership Organisations

- The membership organisation is the Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte/Société des Vétérinaires Suisses (GST/SVS). 
- One of the aims of the GST/SVS is to ensure the quality of veterinary practice in education in general and in continuing education in particular. 
- The Swiss Veterinary Society (GST/SVS), the official representing body of veterinarians in Switzerland, has a number of subsections including one for specialized veterinarians - Fachsektionen.

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