Autumn EBVS General Assembly 2023: Highlights and Future Plans

Published : 13 Dec 2023
Last Updated : 13 Dec 2023 13:03

Brussels, November 14-15, 2023 - The European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) Executive Committee and Staff gathered for its Autumn General Assembly, bringing together board members online for a hybrid event.  


One significant aspect of the assembly was the emphasis on national recognition. While it remains a long-term goal, the assembly highlighted the ongoing efforts and engagements with various groups and organizations that could contribute to achieving this vital goal. 


EBVS unveiled a fresh communication strategy to introduce target audiences to the organization's mission, values, and primary activities. This strategy emphasizes consistency and maintaining a corporate identity. Currently, EBVS maintains an active presence on four social media channels, with regular postings to increase followers and enhance awareness of the value of EBVS specialists. New EBVS website will soon go live, providing a platform for centrally disseminating information. 


EBVS President Heiko Nathues summarized the assembly, stating, "There has been plenty of new information but also reopening some old discussions like Double Diplomates or revising old rules from our policies and procedures." Raphael Guatteo, EBVS Vice-President, added, "We have a lot of very exciting projects ahead of us with new members, both on the Executive Committee and supporting staff, as well as College representatives. I'm very enthusiastic about the future." 


Several guests presented their organizations' activities, shedding light on their collaboration with EBVS: 


Lidewij Wiersma, VetCEE 

Siegfried Moder, FVE 

Stephan Martinot, EAEVE 

Karen Campbell, VSOC 


The assembly discussed the possibility of hosting an EBVS congress in 2025. This event would bring together key stakeholders, including EBVS Board members, National Representatives, College representatives, Committee Chairs, Deans of Veterinary faculties, and other stakeholders. The Congress would feature Keynote Sessions, breakout rooms on various topics relevant to the colleges, and social events. Many board members expressed their support for this initiative including Zoe Polizopoulou, EBVS Senior Vice President: “The main take-home message from this GA for me is the ambition to plan in two years an EBVS dedicated Congress with colleagues from all specialization participating and addressing or current and future issues that might be of interest to our organization.« 


EBVS is actively working on several ongoing projects, including Internship Definition, Residency Welfare, Ethics Review Panel, and I-RESTART EU-funded project, aimed at scaling and upscaling the workforce in the agriculture, food, and veterinary sectors to support the EU Green Deal initiative. 


The second day of the assembly included committee reports and breakout sessions, where participants discussed topics such as National Recognition, Communication Strategies, Accounting & Legal Support for Colleges, Double Diplomates, and Resident Welfare & Survey. The delegates accepted the approach as it gave them more chances to share their ideas and discussions. 


The assembly took a moment to acknowledge two significant anniversaries. While EBVS celebrated its 30th anniversary in Spring, it also recognized Areti, the EBVS Secretariat, who has been with EBVS for ten years. Past and current members offered heartfelt words of appreciation, and Areti was presented with a token of gratitude. 


Amanda Boag, EBVS Treasurer, expressed her satisfaction with the assembly's discussions, highlighting the rich exchange of ideas across different specialties within the veterinary field. Gonçalo Da Graça Pereira, EBVS Secretary, emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, underscoring that unity strengthens the organization. 


Save the Date for the Next General Assembly, scheduled for April 11-12, 2024, at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.