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Prof. Marcin Adam WRZOSEK
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology
dr hab. Marcin Wrzosek prof. UPWr, dipl. ECVN European board certified specialist in the field of neurology and veterinary neurosurgery A graduate of the year 2002 at the Agricultural University in Wrocław. In 2009, he defended his doctoral thesis on "The use of electroencephalography in the diagnosis of CNS diseases in cats". After completing his training as a resident in neurology and neurosurgery at Tierspital Bern in Switzerland in 2011 and passing the European Board of Veterinary Specialization (EBVS®) exam, he obtained the title of Certified Diplomate at the European College of Veterinary Neurology. In 2017, he defended his habilitation thesis on the use of electroencephalography in canine CNS diseases. Supervisor and assistant supervisor of 6 doctoral theses in the field of veterinary neurology. During his career, he completed internships in clinical neurology and neurosurgery in Raleigh, Davis, Stanford (USA), Helsinki (Finland), Hannover (Germany), Milan and Bologna (Italy). Since 2015, the chairman of the neurological section of the Polish Society of Small Animal Veterinarians. From 2022, secretary of the board of the European Association of Veterinary Neurology (ESVN). From 2023, National Consultant in the field of Neurology of dogs and cats. Lecturer at the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS). Member of the German-speaking organization of veterinary neurologists Tierneurologen. Lecturer of workshops on veterinary neurosurgery of the Aeskulap Akademia Foundation. Lecturer of many courses Specialization in the field of veterinary medicine "Diseases of dogs and cats" Veterinary Center for Postgraduate Education. Currently, he works at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, as a university professor, and runs a specialist veterinary clinic NeuroTeam in Wrocław, conducting consultations in the field of neurology and performing specialist neurosurgical procedures. Author of numerous publications, lectures, book chapters and trainings in the field of neurology and veterinary neurosurgery.
Member of :

European College of Veterinary Neurology